Static and dynamic analysis of automobile chassis

Static and dynamic analysis of automobile chassis


The chassis is regarded as a fundamental component of an automobile’s structure. The frame serves as the structural support for both the car body and the power train. The chassis serves as the foundation onto which various mechanical components such as the engine, drive train, axle assemblies (including the wheels), suspension parts, brakes, and steering components are securely fastened.

The chassis serves the purpose of providing the necessary structural integrity to support various vehicle components, payload, and maintain the automobile’s rigidity and stiffness. Therefore, the chassis plays a crucial role in the whole safety system. Moreover, it guarantees minimal levels of noise, vibrations, and harshness over the entire vehicle. The chassis must possess sufficient rigidity to endure the impact, torsion, vibration, and other forms of stress.

Static and dynamic analysis of automobile chassis

Aim of the project :Static and dynamic analysis of automobile chassis

In this thesis 2 different types of chassis box and cap section were designed with the help of solid works and analyzed with Ansys workbench, in this process knowing each design static and dynamic behavior of each object.

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